Month: September 2017

Learning End-to-End Goal-Oriented Dialog

End-to-end dialog systems, in which all components are learnt simultaneously, have recently obtained encouraging successes. However these were mostly on conversations related to chit-chat with no clear objective and for which evaluation is difficult. This paper proposes a set of tasks to test the...

Fast Radio Bursts Flash throughout the Cosmos

The mysterious and powerful cosmic outbursts could occur as often as once per second in the observable universe -- Read more on Source:

Why is there one rule for Bill Clinton and another for Hillary? | Emma Brockes

Many of Clinton’s most vocal critics cite her glad-handing with billionaires, yet turn a blind eye to her husband doing precisely the sameAs Hillary Clinton’s book tour chugs on around the US, two opinion pieces keep popping up. The first, which always appears under the headline “Hillary Clinton...