Obama official scrubs bio after ‘psychopaths’ attack on Bergdahl’s platoon mates

Sep 14, 2016 | Arts & Entertainment | 0 comments



When Brandon Friedman took to Twitter to plant the seeds for another attack on Bowe Bergdahl’s whistle-blowing platoon mates, his bio proudly announced his role as deputy assistant secretary for public affairs at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

What if [Bergdahl’s] platoon was long on psychopaths and short on leadership?” he tweeted, before calling for everyone to “withhold judgment” about allegations that Bergdahl deserted. “I’m not a fan of such speculation,” he added. Uh huh.

And then Friedman scrubbed his Twitter bio. Here’s the Google cache from Jun 3, 2014:


Here’s how it appears now, after his “blame the platoon” tweets:


The Twitter bio still links to Friedman’s Tumblr “About” page, which includes his work for HUD, the Department of Veterans Affairs and VoteVets.org, as well as his U.S. Army service.


Gosh, we wouldn’t want to speculate.


Chicago-on-the-Potomac’s attacks on those who served with Bergdahl just get more and more unreal. And yet, is anyone truly shocked?


"What kind of scum would slander this fine brave patriotic US soldier!"
"His platoon mates."
"And you actually believe those baby killers?"— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) June 03, 2014

"I need volunteers to call Bergdahl's entire platoon psychopaths."
"Reporting for duty, SIR!"
#WHsuicidemission— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) June 05, 2014


Obama administration official Brandon Friedman floats ‘psychopaths’ smear of Bergdahl’s platoon mates

‘Wow!’ And so it begins: White House smears vets, claims ‘swift boating’ of Bergdahl

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/06/05/obama-admin-official-scrubs-twitter-bio-after-suggesting-bergdahls-platoon-was-full-of-psychopaths/

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