Romantic Ways To Enjoy Tonight’s Supermoon With Your SO

Nov 23, 2016 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Ifyoure a hopeless romantic like myself, and you just so happen to be in pursuit of a new way to show off your love and affection, all you have to do is look up.

Tonight, I encourage loversall over the world to take full advantage of this months breathtaking supermoon.

The rare view will leave you gazing at the planetary satellite as it appearsup to14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than on a normal day, and itsone you should make the most of.

While November 13 was announced as a prime time to catch the supermoon, dont fret. The differences between appearance on Sunday and Monday night are very minimal, and casual observers like us will hardly notice if its looking any less super when its high in thedarksky.

On that note, take this as the perfect opportunity to snuggle up next to your SO, casual bae or first-time date, and make the most of this nighttime scene.

Below, four ways to get real romantic, courtesy of the supermoon:

1. Pitch a tent on your apartments roof.

Ivelived in my apartment building for years, but have yet to make use of the ample-sized roof it has.

Dont make the same mistake. Take advantage of this oddly warm November weather and stargaze from the comfort of your own home.

If youre feeling extra outdoorsy, get into full camp-mode and make a whole night out of it.

This isa solid excuse to get all cuddly with bae, plus an opportunity to have sex outside. Its a win-win situation for all parties involved.

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2. Cozy up with some drinks on an enclosed bar terrace.

Mondays are rough on just about everyone, so allow supermoons presence to drag you to a five-star bar in order get rid of thoselingering Sunday Scaries.

Take your pick of any spot with an outdoor terrace, equipped with lounge chairs, quality service and maybe some heat lamps, and youll find yourself in a prime spot to soak up the moonlight with your man or woman of choice.

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