The explosion of hate in Virginia is a wholly predictable outcome of the US president’s courtship of white supremacistsA thread twitches across time: I was only nine when the “battle of Lewisham” was fought on 13 August 1977, but four decades later I can still remember the frightening chants of the National Front marchers, audible from our street, and the charred bins and strewn rocks and glass left behind after the three-way clash between white nationalist demonstrators, police and antiracist protesters.There were 111 injuries that day. The riots in Charlottesville, Virginia, provoked once again by neo-Nazi agitators, have already claimed one life and endangered many others. Ostensibly objecting to the planned removal of a statue of the Confederate general Robert E Lee, a rabble of white supremacists has brought ugliness, violence and shame to a city of great beauty. Continue reading…