Why Trump’s Dreamer nightmare won’t go away anytime soon | Walter Shapiro

Sep 8, 2017 | Veterans News | 0 comments

Faced with a backlash after his decision to remove protections from 800,000 child migrants, it’s not inconceivable that Trump may reverse positionWith his I-lack-a-dream decision to rescind the Daca program, which protects young migrants from deportation, Donald Trump once again demonstrated that he has the strategic vision of a four-year-old playing Candy Land. Badly.Forget all the self-serving leaks about the president’s anguish over the fate of the 800,000 migrants who were brought to this country as children by parents who crossed the border – or overstayed their visas – without papers. What matters is not Trump’s psyche, but the results of his actions on Tuesday, which are simultaneously mean-spirited and politically maladroit. Continue reading…

Source: http://bppro.link/?c=TwN

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