Charlottesville remarks prompt another ‘worst week’ for Trump – until the next one

Aug 20, 2017 | Politics & Government | 0 comments

The president was supposed to be on a ‘working vacation’ – but then he drew a moral equivalence between neo-Nazis and anti-fascists, and chaos reignedEach week Donald Trump seems to make more news than most presidents do in a lifetime. The Guardian is keeping track of it all in this series every SaturdayIf Donald Trump had planned to use a “working vacation” at his New Jersey golf club to work on his short game, it was not to be.The president’s first week on holiday was dominated by the threat of nuclear war with North Korea – a prospect seemingly exacerbated by the “fire and fury” of his own bellicose response – while the second saw Trump ignite the most serious controversy over racism since his election campaign, with Republicans, business leaders, charities, sports stars and artists all denouncing him after he suggested that neo-Nazis whose protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, led to the death of a 32-year-old woman were morally equivalent to the anti-fascist activists opposing them. Continue reading…


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