Twitter users of all stripes came together today to honor our brave veterans, and the incredible sacrifices they made fighting for freedom.
RT @lachlan: Less than a week after such a polarizing event, it’s great to have #VeteransDay to remind Americans of what unites us.
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) November 11, 2012
Happy Veterans Day to all of you tweeters who have served or are currently serving!! You guys are true heroes.
— suck-onmy-tweeties. (@AMarie024) November 11, 2012
Happy veterans day to all the men ans women who put our country before themselves. And put their lifr on the line for good old America.
— Hopeless Romantic. (@BOSS_Queen_Bee) November 11, 2012
Today we honor those who bravely fought as a part of the greatest force for good that the world has ever known.
Happy Veterans Day to all of you who wore the uniform. You guys built that — our nation. Brave, unshakable & American.
— Barack Problema (@BarackProblema) November 11, 2012
My Dad was a POW in WWll. Your story? RT honor Veterans Day, RT this badge to support our troops!
— Brian Ray (@brianrayguitar) November 11, 2012
Veterans Day is about celebrating the lives of those selfless Americans who have put defending our great country above all else.
— Rep. Bill Flores (@RepBillFlores) November 11, 2012
We owe our veterans an infinite debt of gratitude. This Veterans Day, thank those who have served or serve today:…
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) November 11, 2012
Happy Veterans Day!!!
— Governor Walker (@GovWalker) November 11, 2012
God Bless all those who have served and are currently serving to keep our nation safe. Thank you for your sacrifice. Happy #Veterans Day!
— Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) November 11, 2012
Veterans risk their lives for their country. Please let them know you appreciate their service and sacrifice. #thankavet #VeteransDay
— Dakota Meyer (@Dakota_Meyer) November 11, 2012
The first Veteran’s Day without a surviving WW I vet. God bless all who have served.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 11, 2012
On this #VeteransDay, we’re grateful for those who serve our country & honor service members & families who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice.
— Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) November 11, 2012
Happy Veterans Day! Thanks to all the troops who have fought and are still fighting for our country🇺🇸❤ #GodBless
— • (@dopekidtony) November 11, 2012
Happy Veterans Day! Thank you to all servicemen who have fought and defended this great nation. God bless. #VeteransDay2012
— Gabriella Hoffman (@Gabby_Hoffman) November 11, 2012
Thank you to all the veterans in my life. You inspire me.
— Ray Harmon (@Ray_Harmon) November 11, 2012
Thank you to each and every veteran who has served this great country of ours – today, and every day! #VeteransDay
— Mario Lopez (@MarioLopezExtra) November 11, 2012
Many personally thanked the veterans in their lives.
A BIG shout out to my Pop Pop Frank who served in WW2. ❤ Thanks to all the veterans who’ve made Freedom possible in our country. 🇺🇸
— Candace Cameron Bure (@candacecbure) November 11, 2012
Happy Veteran’s Day to @firstteamtommy, who’s still reasonably with it despite the “tank hatch incident.”
— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) November 11, 2012
A toast to my grandpa John Cussen, 3rd Iowa/168th US Infantry, who fought with the Rainbow Division in France WWI.…
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) November 11, 2012
Veterans Day Blessings & Gratitude to all who’ve served America. ~…
— Adam Baldwin (@adamsbaldwin) November 11, 2012
68 years ago, Pfc. Robert Markay earned a Silver Star and a Purple Heart storming Omaha Beach with the Army’s First Division. #VeteransDay
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) November 11, 2012
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) November 11, 2012
Happy Veterans Day To My Marine 😘😘
— Ross (@Aye_Ross_) November 11, 2012
Happy Veterans day to My favorite Veteran .. My late grandfather C.D Fortson Sr. You are loved & missed dear
— KMPH .(@KinfolksShoota) November 11, 2012
Taking a name rubbing on Veterans Day at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.…
— Natalie DiBlasio (@ndiblasio) November 11, 2012
The two cutest veterans I know and love. Happy Veterans Day grandma and grandpa! ❤
— Casey Jo Byrd (@kcRondo9) November 11, 2012
thank you for serving our country! love you grandpa, u da best! #veteransday🇺🇸…
— ToriSmilie (@ToriSmilie) November 11, 2012
going to the #Veteran‘s Cemetery w/ bros & sis for a #VeteransDay ceremony & to raise Dad’s flag at half-mast.
— eLLe Bee(@LB_AZ) November 11, 2012
Happy Veterans Day! And thank u to all the folks (like my Dad and brother) who have served our Country so well!
— Nelson Aspen (@NelsonAspen) November 11, 2012
Happy Veterans Day to all those who served for our country especially my Papaw Bronco!! Rest in peace sweet
— Marley Whittington (@marlito_7) November 11, 2012
I would like to say thank you and Happy Veterans Day to those who have fought for and served our country. They are true heroes! 🇺🇸
— Teysha Tindol (@teyshatee) November 11, 2012
Happy Veterans Day to all of you who serve and have served our country. We will never forget, thank you.
— GiftWorks (@GiftWorks) November 11, 2012
We must never forget that our vets’ sacrifices abroad allow us to maintain our freedoms here at home. #VeteransDay
— Scott M. Stringer (@scottmstringer) November 11, 2012
Amen. God bless you all. We are forever in your debt, and are eternally grateful.