Amid the horror of watching the president defend white supremacists comes the amusement of seeing media allies trying to distance themselvesThere was precious little to laugh about in the US this week, save for one grimly comic spectacle: that of rightwing news anchors struggling, live on air, to react to incontrovertible evidence that the president they’ve been backing is a neo-Nazi apologist.First and most gratifying was the sight of Jim Cramer, shock-jock presenter of CNBC’s Mad Money and supporter of many of Donald Trump’s policies, trying to absorb the news that Kenneth Frazier, CEO of Merck, had resigned from Trump’s advisory board and been promptly savaged by the president on Twitter. For Cramer, a man who claims to care nothing for politics beyond its effect on “the markets”, Trump’s attack on big business clearly represented an existential threat. He opened and closed his mouth a few times before uttering the word “ill-advised” and pronouncing, in a whisper, Trump’s ad hominem attack to be “unfair”. He looked as if he was about to be sick. Continue reading…