I Went To A Blowjob Veterans Day Party: It Made Me Rethink How We Treat Vets

Dec 7, 2016 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Mike Busey is the kind of guy you hate tolove.

On the outside, the 35-year-old Florida resident is big, loud, covered in tattoos and curses the exact amount youd assume someone who lives in The Sausage Castle would.

The day we met, he worea military camp vest no undershirt and Apollo Creeds American flag boxing shorts.

To top it all off, he was drinking straight from a bottle of Disaronno on the stoop of a multi-million dollar mansion he just moved into, which he largely paid for with his earnings from amembers-only X-rated Snapchat profile.

Read more: http://elitedaily.com/news/veterans-day-blowjob-party/1690521/

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