J.R. Salzman wants Palin-style coverage of Hunter Biden’s cocaine use

Aug 16, 2016 | Arts & Entertainment | 0 comments


Iraq War vet and wounded warrior J.R. Salzman, on hearing the news that Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter was discharged from the Navy Reserves earlier this year after testing positive for cocaine, was anxious to play “What if this was a Republican?” with the mainstream media.

Seriously though, how big of a shitbag do you have to be to do cocaine while you're in the military when you know you get random drug tests?

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) October 17, 2014

To answer my own question, only giant shitbags, or privileged brats would do cocaine while in the military. Biden's son was serving for show

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) October 17, 2014

According to the CNN report, Biden's son made it a whole month before testing positive for cocaine. A MONTH.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) October 17, 2014

The fact that both Biden's son and daughter have been caught doing cocaine explains a lot about his behavior. No one sober acts like that.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) October 17, 2014

You mean Joe being Joe?

That makes two children of @VP who have been caught doing cocaine. But yeah, that Palin is a terrible parent.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) October 17, 2014

Come on you media hacks. Give Biden's cocaine snorting son the same treatment that you would if it was Palin's.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) October 17, 2014

Remember, Biden's son needed a waiver to get in the military because of drugs.Then he made a whole month before testing positive for cocaine

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) October 17, 2014

Come on, media. As you just established with the Palin brawl, politician's families are not off limits. Cover Biden's cocaine snorting son.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) October 17, 2014

If this were one of Palin's kids caught doing cocaine the media would dive into it right down to the guy who grew the coca in Colombia.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) October 17, 2014

Before you accuse me of being a Palin lover, I'm not. I just really really hate media double standards.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) October 17, 2014

How many media outlets knew Joe Biden's son was kicked out of the Navy for cocaine back in February but refused to report on it?

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) October 17, 2014

Which media outlet will start the narrative that Bidens son is a victim and we should leave him alone to his Ukrainian gas company position?

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) October 17, 2014

By next week mentioning Biden's son got booted from the Navy will be dishonestly characterized as an attack on everyone with an addiction.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) October 17, 2014

If not by tonight.

Ok..I'm pissed now! ADDICTION is a "disease". Stop giving VP Joe Biden's son all these hateful comments! It can happen to anyone you love

— Lynnie (@TweetThisBabe) October 17, 2014


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/17/come-on-you-media-hacks-j-r-salzman-wants-palin-style-coverage-of-hunter-bidens-cocaine-use/

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