The Kentucky Judicial Conduct Commission has voted to reprimand now-retired Family Court Judge W. Mitchell Nance. In In re Nance, (Jud. Con. Commn, Dec. 19, 2017), the Commission concluded that Nance had violated Canons of Ethics that require judges to decide cases fairly and impartially when, based on his religious views, he issued an Order recusing himself from any case involving adoption of a child by a gay or lesbian. As described by the Commission:On April 27th, 2017 the Respondent issued General Order 17-01 declaring that “under no circumstance” would the adoption of a child by a homosexual be in the child’s best interest. Acknowledging that this declaration constitutes a “personal bias or prejudice” against homosexuals seeking to adopt children, Judge Nance ordered that any attorney filing a motion for adoption on behalf of a homosexual party notify court staff so that he could recuse and disqualify himself from any such proceeding.(See prior related posting.) The Richmond Register reports on the Commission’s decision.