In a lawsuit filed yesterday in Utah state court, a young woman sued the FLDS Church and various of its leaders alleging that she was a repeated victim of ritual sexual abuse when she was between the ages of 8 and 12. The complaint (full text) in R.H. v. Jeffs, (UT Dist. Ct., filed 12/27/2017), alleges in part:25. The practice of having sexual relations with underage girls has been consistently sustained by members of the Priesthood Work and participants in the UEP Trust since their inception….28. The practice of having sexual relations with underage girls continued after Warren S. Jeffs assumed control of the UEP Trust and FLDS Church and after he later became the President of both entities.29. However, a new practice of having sex and sexual relations with underage girls in the FLDS Temple and other undisclosed FLDS Church and UEP Trust owned properties with girls, ages eight (8) to 14 years old, was initiated by Warren Jeffs, along with leadership of UEP Trust and the FLD Church….30. Plaintiff was subject to this horrific religious doctrine and religious rituals….36. This religious ritual abuse continued on a regular basis, between five and six times a week, from the age of 8 years-old until the Plaintiff turned 12 years-old.37. Once Plaintiff turned 14, she was required to become a witness and scribe to these religious rituals between other young girls and defendants….Fox13 News reports on the lawsuit.