The US retail industry is hemorrhaging jobs – and it’s hitting women hardest

Jan 14, 2018 | Veterans News | 0 comments

As the retail landscape undergoes a dramatic transformation, analysis finds 129,000 women lost jobs last year while men actually gained positions It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas for US retailers, but not if you’re a woman working for one. Company sales reports are coming in and so far they indicate the holiday season was a big success. At the same time evidence is emerging that the radical reordering of the retail landscape is hitting women hard, and there may be worse to come. The retail sector has been the biggest loser of jobs for the last two years in a row in the US, as thousands of stores closed as shoppers moved online. It remains one of the US’s largest employers, providing 15.8m jobs, but the reordering of the retail landscape is having a profound impact on the nature of its workforce. Continue reading…


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